Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 36: Livestrong tour

Last night I decided to make my smoothie for breakfast this morning. This is one of the few times I haven't really had many veggies in the house. I did have lots of strawberries from the Hen House text on Friday, but other than that all I had was a banana. Then I opened the freezer and saw the frozen peaches and blueberries. I found some kale in the fridge and set myself up for a smoothie today and one for tomorrow.
Work was pretty low key this morning. I spent quite a bit of time helping the new guy get situated and settled. I gave him some info and then just did some more work maintenance.
I came home for lunch and had leftover no pasta lasagna which was simply delightful. I think it really is better the next day.
The afternoon wasn't too eventful, but I finally feel like I'm getting a handle on things. I need to get some retailers in the pipeline to sign up for some programs, so tomorrow will be a bunch of phone calls. I got a good bit of emails from people contratulating me on my promotion, which is nice to see. At least people are starting to know who I am and what I do. I feel like that is the biggest win for the company.
After work I headed out to Livestrong for the KU MBA event. It was actually really good. There were lots of people there and the tour of the stadium was awesome. I really enjoyed the talk by their VP of Marketing too. I hope we can continue to get a big crowd for events like these. It only makes it better for all of us. I did have mostly veggies there, they had a great spread of partially steamed veggies. But the cheese plates were absolutely humongous and awesome, so I broke down and had a few pieces of cheese. So close to the end, but I feel like now I am feeling out more of how I'll continue the challenge once the 42 days are over. I think I'll eat cheese again, drink some beer and try to still stay away from meat at home. I'll enjoy it at restaurants and other people's houses, but if I can eat decently the same at home, I think I'll be pretty good.
I had some black beans and homemade tortilla chips when I got home. I absolutely loved the first batch, the second batch got burnt to a crisp and now my whole house stinks. I have to perfect the art. I also have to figure out if I can change the broiler temperature on my oven. Dad finished installing the new windows today and I already feel like it is much quieter. The air came back on tonight too, so I hope the new windows contribute to the energy efficiency as well.
I'm excited to read some more Les Mis tonight before hitting the pillow.

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