Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 39: Michael Smith

Day two of the same smoothie from yesterday.
Lunch was leftover tacos again.
After work I went to Lulu's and had some appetizers of viatnamese spring rolls and a corn cake. The corn cake was a little spicy, so I shared with a friend. The spring rolls were fresh and crunchy and a perfect starter for my evening. The night was a benefit for Harvesters. There weren't a lot of people there, but that's ok. I want to start going to as many of those that I can. I need to volunteer more and give more of my time. It'll be a good way to meet people and to give back. Lulu's also has different alcohols infused with berries. I had gin infused with lime. Shocker I know.
After the happy hour we went over to the infamous Michael Smith. We have the dining cards, so it isn't as pricey as it normally is. We got a bottle of Rose wine because it was Pink Thursday and Rose wine was half price. Good enough reason for me. While I lived in France it was amazing how much rose wine they drink. I had always thought all rose's were like White Zin, meaning all sugary and sweet. That isn't the case though. The wine we had in France varied just like whites. At MS we had a dry rose that was decent.
For dinner I had....blueberry ravioli. Quite random. It was in a brown butter sauce with crimini mushrooms and parmesan cheese. Whoa have I missed cheese. I decided that last night I was going to divert from the challenge a bit because the food is so famous, I figured I might as well enjoy it fully.
For dessert we shared a rhubarb tart with orange ice cream and an olive oil cake with strawberries and champagne sorbet. I only had a few bites of each, but a good way to blow the challenge.
I came home and had a snack of edamame for heading to the battle of Waterloo.

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